Bill Thomas
Military Badge Collector


Welcome to my new website. I hope you enjoy the content and pictures. All photos are from my personal collection. (Apart from the Nova Scotia Highlanders at the top of the site, this is a badge I am looking for). I will update my site frequently to add my new additions to the appropriate tabs and will add any new reference material I get.


Reference Documents
I have included a reference tab as when I began collecting badges in the early 1980s, there wasn't very much reference material around. Now, there is a vast amount of books, pamphlets etc to aid any collector. I will add any useful pamphlets I get and there is a page dedicated to the reference books I use most. I hope this will be of use to you.

New Additions & Notes
Added - Royal Canadian Regiment Piper Badge, Bedfordshire Regt AA, 3 Typhoon patches, Black Watch NCO badge & Southampton UOTC Stable Belt

More to follow
My collection is always growing and therefore this is a living site, I will add new items regularly. Please check back for updates.